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Saturday, March 19, 2016

A Re-Readathon!

This is a new one for me! A Re-Readathon

I really wanted to support this event that Bex of An Armchair by the Sea is hosting, but...
much as I wanted to participate, I realized my 'reading schedule' wouldn't permit me to fit in a reread or two during this time frame. 

But then I realized that one of those books on my "must-read by a certain date" list was Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell. This must be read by March 26, 
so that works out very well, since this will be my second time 
to read this absolutely wonderful book! (The above link is to my review.)
I. Cannot. Wait! 

I very seriously doubt I'll have time enough to reread any others, though I might manage to squeeze in a children's book or two...we shall see! :)
I have one that I just recently purchased for my grandkids that I want to re-read and review sitting next to me: The Cay by Theodore Taylor. 
I just remember reading this as a child and loving it. 
I am anxious to see what I think of it now...
The only thing I can honestly remember is surviving on the island.

How about you? What would you like to re-read?
If you can do it yet this month, you should register to participate in Bex's event!
Do you have one book you re-read periodically? 


  1. Thanks Lynn! I'm so glad it worked out that you could join in and Eleanor & Park,what a wonderful choice. That book is brilliant! I haven't heard of your other choice but I'm going to check it out. I was a huge Swiss Family Robinson fan as a kid/teen so I'm in for anything involving desert islands! Happy re-reading!

    1. Thanks! Anxious to re-read The Cay. I remember loving it!
