Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Jean Rhys Reading Week September 12-18 2016

this week, September 12-18, 2016!

Honestly, I know nothing of Jean Rhys
but after reading about this event on Jacqui's blog, 
I decided to give it a try!

I'll be reading 

I'll be able to read 
both of them this 

Jacqui and others will be posting about each of her books 
and other information about Rhys throughout the week, 

If you're at all interested, I suggest you do the same! :)

Have you ever read anything written by Rhys? 

Any favorite you would recommend?

Happy reading


  1. Oooooooooooh!! I read Wide Sargasso Sea in January as part of my Year of Eyre -- it's incredible -- can't wait to talk about it after you read it!
