Friday, January 1, 2016

December Library Checkout

December 2015
A great monthly check-in about Library reading hosted by Shannon of River City Reading!

This month has been another great one for good reads! Though I am not as caught up as I had wished prior to the start of the Little House Read-Along I am cohosting with Bex of An Armchair by the Sea. (But that's okay!) There are currently 11 other readers registered to join us in this event!! YAY!! (Twitter #littlehouseRAL)

Books Read: 
(**Reviews/blog posts can be viewed by clicking on the title. If I have not yet completed a blog post, it will link to my Goodreads review.)
I completed reading these as preparation for the Little House Series Read-Along, cohosted by myself and Bex of An Armchair By The Sea, beginning now! :) I have NEVER read a Wilder book and after participating in Reeder Reads' Green Gables Read-Along last year, I decided reading one of the Wilder books per month would be a great way to read them all during 2016! Then both Bex and I posted on the Classics Club site that we planned to host the same read-along, and a cohosting team was born! Bex's introductory post is here and mine is here! Be sure to register using the link on either of these posts! It is going to be fun! There are already 13 of us committed to this monthly project! And, please, if you wish to only follow along with the reviews/comments, that is also fine. Or if you only wish to read of few of these books and participate for only those months, that is also fine! Whatever works for you, works for us! :) The introductory January posting is here and you can link to your review and/or comment there once you've read the first book, Little House in the Big Woods.

1) West from Home: Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder to Almanzo Wilder, San Francisco 1915 by Laura Ingalls Wilder, edited by Roger Lea MacBride.

3) A Wilder Rose by Susan Wittig Albert. A very revealing historical fiction account of Rose Wilder Lane's life and her rather strained relationship with her mother, Laura Ingalls Wilder. (Albert is one of my favorite writers!)

Currently Reading: 
Not currently reading any library books. (I keep reminding myself about the #ReadMyOwnDamnBooks challenge!) 

Checked Out, TBR:
Quite an eclectic group, eh? 

1) First Degree by David Rosenfelt
This is the second in his Andy Carpenter series. While I'm anxious to get to it, I am also anxious to read the first installment of the Little House series, Little House in the Big Woods, and am anxious to read further in the Maisie Dobbs series!

2) H is for Hawk by Helen Macdonald.
I have read so many bloggers' reviews, all raving about this book, and I couldn't resist and placed it on hold and it has arrived! 

3) Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan
I am rather curious. The premise of this book is centered on a kissing contest. He'll need to be a really good author for me to find this engaging... We shall see! :)

Returned Unread:
None. One huge perk to serving on the Board of Trustees is that I never accumulate or owe fines! So I can keep books as long as no one else places a hold on them, with no penalty. :) However, in all fairness I have only taken advantage of this a few times over the past few years! :)

On Hold: 
I currently have none on hold. Though I know that will change with my resumption of daily commuting back and forth to work as of this coming Monday! I will need an audiobook or two, at the very least! 

What have you read from your library lately?
Especially for any young readers, I can highly recommend 
the Vet Volunteers series by Laurie Halse Anderson! 
I read the fifth installment and loved it.


  1. I've heard so much about A Wilder Rose! I'm not sure I'll actually read it though. While I enjoyed the Little House series on TV, I've never quite gotten around to reading a Laura Ingalls Wilder book!

    1. It was so interesting! I could relate so well to Rose's relationship with her mother. Different generations and different expectations! It read quickly... I am starting Little House in the Big Woods now. Just can't wait 'til later in the month!

  2. I have been meaning to ready Two Boys Kissing. I heard lots of good things about it after it came out. I read A Wilder Life couple years ago and it spurned me into reading them again. They are different as an adult!

    1. I'll bet the LH series is very different as an adult! I just started reading the first installment and am finding it to be a very different writing style than was Montgomery's in the Green Gable series I read last year! Two Boys Kissing looks to be at the very least unique in the story line. I am anxious to get to it but am in the middle the Maisie Dobbs series right now! :) Thanks for stopping by!
