Sunday, January 10, 2016

Historical Fiction Reading Challenge for 2016!!

Once again, I am participating in the Historical Fiction Reading Challenge!!

This is being hosted again this year by Passages to the Past!

I did reach my 2015 goal of Medieval Reader with 15 historical fiction books read!
(YAY ME!!)

For 2016 I am selecting the goal of Ancient History with 25 historical fiction books!

You can track progress on my Historical Fiction page!

Let's see if I make it! :)

What historical fiction books would you recommend I include for 2016? 
The Swans of Fifth Avenue
One of the first new releases I am anxiously anticipating is 
The Swans of Fifth Avenue by Melanie Benjamin 
who I will be meeting on January 30!
[Giggles and claps hands while jumping up and down!]

She is one of my all-time favorite authors!

Others already on my TBR list: 

Another of my all-time favorite authors!

Image result for the queen of the night alexander chee cover image

And these are just the ones of which I am aware that are to be released 
within the first two months of 2016!!
Bound to be a glorious year for historical fiction, doncha think?!?


  1. There are so many great books to choose from in this category. I love good historical fiction. Have you ever read The Book of Negroes? That's the one I'm recommending (I'm assuming that they don't all have to be new releases).
    Have fun with the challenge!

    1. I have not read The Book of Negroes...yet! It is on my TBR list though! No, they do not need to be new releases! Thanks for the suggestion!
